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Lunar #11: Aristarchus

L11 main image L11 annotated

Aristarchus is an extremely bright crater in a wide dark mare environment. However, the local area of about 150 km size (the Aristarchus plateau) is lifted above the floor of Oceanus Procellarum. Aristarchus (40 km in diameter) is at the southeast corner of the plateau, Vallis Schröteri (160 km long and 10 km wide) is cut into the heart of the plateau.


  1. The area imaged on 2004-05-01, stacked from 500 video frames taken with a Schmidt-Cassegrain reflector of D = 200 mm and f = 3500 mm and Philips ToUcam Pro webcam. Unsharp mask. The phase was +88%.
  2. Dto., annotated and with scale.