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Lunar #87: Humboldt

L87 main image L87 annotated

Humboldt is a large crater (207 km diameter) on the western limb of the Moon. In Wood's list (2004a and 2012a) the significance is stated as "crater with central peaks and dark spots", which are indeed evident in the image. In his notes (Hardwick 2013a) Wood mentions the small crater Humboldt N (15 km diameter), which is also in the image almost halfway from the central peaks to the northern wall of Humboldt. To find this object, begin with Petavius, from there Legendre. Phillips is a 124 km crater just before Humboldt and about half its size.


  1. The area imaged on 2023-03-26, stacked from 600 video frames taken with a Schmidt-Cassegrain reflector of D = 200 mm and f = 3500 mm and Canon EOS 600Dα camera. Wavelet sharpening. Libration in longitude was +5.2°; the phase was +28%.
  2. Dto. with annotation and scale.